The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District will be hosting a community meeting regarding the Proposed Cardinal Road Levee Upgrade Project. District staff will provide a progress update on the proposed project. You're invited to attend this informal meet and greet on Sunday, April 6, 2025, at the Stone Park next to the...
The Outdoor Art Club is hosting a webinar on March 20 titled "Flood Control: An Ongoing Concern for Southern Marin." Marin County District 3 Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters and Judd Goodman, a Senior Civil Engineer at the Marin County Flood Control &Water Conservation District, will update the community on flood control efforts, which are a concern...
The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (District) will host the third and final community meeting for the Marin City Stormwater Plan on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 5:30-7:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the newly reopened Marin City Arts Gallery, located at 100 Donahue Street, Suite 160-B, in Marin City. ...
In fall 2024, the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District completed the infrastructure for a portable pump station at Drake Avenue and Donahue Street in Marin City, near the Highway 101 ramps. These pumps are used during high tide events that occur at the same time as rainstorms to help reduce flooding at...
Over the last couple years, we heard the neighborhood’s concerns about water seeping through the levee along Cardinal Road. Maintenance actions the District has taken to reduce the seepage haven’t been enough, so we have engaged an engineering consultant to look at alternatives and design a proposed project to prevent this seepage and shore up...
For Immediate Release - Marin County, CA - Winter tide levels are likely to impact areas with a history of localized flooding During the hot summer months, it can be easy to forget that the winter brings rain and flooding to Marin County. Tide-related flooding can happen whether it is raining or not, but the...
For Immediate Release - Ross Valley, CA - An informational event on this flood risk reduction project's progress is set for October 15 The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will soon host an information open house about an ongoing project to reduce the frequency and severity of flooding in the lower Ross Valley. Modifications...
News: The Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project, intended to reduce flood risk in areas of Kentfield, Ross and Larkspur (see project area map image in the news post header), continues to implement modifications to the 50-plus-year-old concrete channel to enhance the functionality of Corte Madera Creek. The most recent milestone is the completed...
Starting the week of September 2, 2024, the Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (District) will begin maintenance work on the Timber-Reinforced Berm (TRB), located behind privately owned backyards directly adjacent to Gallinas Creek. You may notice work crews and equipment in the Santa Venetia neighborhood during this time. The maintenance work is...
For Immediate Release - Marin County, CA - County conducts annual maintenance in advance of the typically rainy months While it is easy to forget during the hot, dry months of summer, winters can bring intense storms to Marin, delivering significant impacts across the county, including downed trees, landslides, damaged roadways and flooded streets. Minimizing...
For Immediate Release - Marin City, CA - The effort is designed to reduce flooding on Donahue Street and Highway 101 ramps The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District has awarded a $1.37 million construction contract for the underground components of a portable pump station in Marin City. The underground work is expected to...
Annually, Zone 9 prepares an update on the 20-year Ross Valley storm drain fee for approval by the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District). The fee was approved by voters in 2007 and extends through fiscal year 2026-2027. The draft 2024 Storm Drain Fee Update Report is now available: Notice of Hearing ...
The Marin City Stormwater Plan project team has been getting the word out to the community. To date, outreach has included: 20+ small outreach events (including site visits with residents and community office hours) 2 Community Meetings 3 Project Task Force Meetings 2 Community Services District meetings 1 Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board meeting Upcoming...
Construction of the Granton Park Stormwater Pump Station is substantially complete. PG&E will energize the station soon and the District anticipates completing final pump testing in July 2024. The pump station is expected to be operational for the coming winter season. In February 2024, the District began working with a consultant to provide Federal Emergency Management...
The District has been awarded two new grants for the restoration work at Deer Island Basin: Approximately $7 million from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Around $2.4 million from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA) We're in the process of accepting these grants and gearing up for construction, which is slated to kick...
The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is developing a comprehensive Stormwater Plan aimed at reducing flood risk in Marin City, an unincorporated neighborhood near Richardson Bay. The goal of the Plan is to address existing flooding conditions and identify potential solutions that enhance flood resilience in Marin City while accounting for community...
Good news, the Marin County Flood Control District has put a new device on the Bon Air Road Bridge in Larkspur! Check out this map for specific location. The device is a special measuring tool that tells staff how high or low the water is in Corte Madera Creek, right under the bridge. You can...
In light of a clarification received this week from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District announced a postponement for removing Building Bridge 2 (BB2) from the creek in downtown San Anselmo. As recently as last week, the District felt the bridge removal could proceed later this...
The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will be hosting a Community Informational Open House about the San Anselmo Creek Bridge removal (BB2) on January 11, 2024, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the San Anselmo Town Council Chambers, located at 525 San Anselmo Avenue. During this two hour open house, you...
Plan update required to help minimize loss of life and property damages San Rafael, CA – What can be done to limit the impacts of natural hazards in Marin County? Local emergency response coordinators are seeking public feedback on the proposed projects focused on reducing the impacts of natural hazards. Anyone who lives or works...