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A watershed is all of the land that drains to a particular: Stream River, or Bay From the wildest preserve to the most densely developed urban neighborhood, all land is part of a watershed. When watersheds are healthy and functioning well, they provide food, fiber, clean water, and habitat for native plants and animals. Healthy...

Over 150 species of birds live and breed in Marin County’s coastal bay lands. Many of them are rare and threatened species. These birds rely on three main watershed features: Mature riparian trees and snags for roosting and nesting Fish, amphibians and other small animals for food Natural tidal flows to maintain rich coastal marsh...

Reptiles and amphibians are found throughout the County. They are dependent on the condition of creeks and riparian habitat during a part or all their life stages, and they may use upland terrestrial habitats during part of the life-cycles. Amphibians Amphibian species need diverse, healthy riparian vegetation and reliable sources of clean water to survive....

At its July 12 public session, the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors will consider awarding a $617,549 contract for engineering design services to develop a design for the Santa Venetia Levee Upgrade Project along Gallinas Creek. The project was put on pause in March 2022 following a cost estimate...

Zone 10 training manual document.

No creatures are more symbolic of healthy watersheds than native fish. In our region, the health of coho salmon and steelhead indicate the health of a watershed. In west Marin, Chinook salmon are also observed consistently in the Lagunitas Creek system. These salmonids are anadromous fish. Anadromous fish: Are born and rear in freshwater streams...

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