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1069 Results Found

Date and time: 2024-05-09 06:30 pmLocation: Stinson Beach Community CenterDepartment: Zone 5 Advisory Board Meeting: May 9, 2024AgendaFLOOD ZONE 5 ADVISORY BOARD  PUBLIC MEETING   Thursday, May 9, 2024  6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.    The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors encourages a respectful dialogue that supports freedom of speech...

Date and time: 2024-03-27 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 7 Advisory Board Meeting: March 27, 2024AgendaPUBLIC MEETING Wednesday, March 27, 2024 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Room 410B, Marin Civic Center   The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors encourages a respectful dialogue that supports freedom of speech...

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is developing a comprehensive Stormwater Plan aimed at reducing flood risk in Marin City, an unincorporated neighborhood near Richardson Bay. The goal of the Plan is to address existing flooding conditions and identify potential solutions that enhance flood resilience in Marin City while accounting for community...

Date and time: 2024-02-26 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 26, 2024Date and time: 2024-02-26 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 26, 2024Date and time: 2024-02-26 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 26, 2024AgendaPUBLIC MEETING Monday, February...

Date and time: 2024-02-12 06:30 pmLocation: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 12, 2024Department: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 12, 2024Date and time: 2024-02-12 06:30 pmLocation: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 12, 2024Department: Zone 9 Advisory Board Meeting: February 12, 2024AgendaPUBLIC MEETING Monday, February 12, 2024 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.   The...

Good news, the Marin County Flood Control District has put a new device on the Bon Air Road Bridge in Larkspur! Check out this map for specific location. The device is a special measuring tool that tells staff how high or low the water is in Corte Madera Creek, right under the bridge. You can...

In light of a clarification received this week from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District announced a postponement for removing Building Bridge 2 (BB2) from the creek in downtown San Anselmo. As recently as last week, the District felt the bridge removal could proceed later this...

Overview The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District has been working for the past several years on the San Anselmo Flood Risk Reduction Project (SAFRR), which is a significant effort to protect lives and property during severe storms. A key part of the project is the removal of a bridge known as Building...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

About U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built a levee in the 1950s to reduce flood risk due to Coyote Creek overtopping for residents along Cardinal Road. In the 1970s the levee was built higher with concrete blocks. The levee and floodwall are reaching the end of their expected useful life. This project will address seepage...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will be hosting a Community Informational Open House about the San Anselmo Creek Bridge removal (BB2) on January 11, 2024, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the San Anselmo Town Council Chambers, located at 525 San Anselmo Avenue. During this two hour open house, you...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

Date and time: 2024-03-09 11:00 amLocation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. AcademyDepartment: Marin City Stormwater Plan Community Meeting 2Date and time: 2024-03-09 11:00 amLocation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. AcademyDepartment: Marin City Stormwater Plan Community Meeting 2Date and time: 2024-03-09 11:00 amLocation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. AcademyDepartment: Marin City Stormwater Plan Community Meeting 2Date...

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