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About The purpose of the Marin City Pond Flood Reduction Project is to make several improvements to the stormwater drainage and pond system . This includes a new pump station at the pond to improve drainage out of the pond to the bay. The initial plan was for a trenchless installation of the culvert. After...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats...

About Heron’s Beak pond in 2020, after placement of sediment removed from Novato Creek Sediment is removed every four years from Novato Creek, Warner Creek, and Arroyo Avichi between approximately Diablo Ave and the SMART railroad crossing downstream of Rowland Way. The most recent removal was between July and October 2020. Sediment was beneficially reused...

About This project has been suspended. Grant funding for this project was approved by the California Department of Water Resources to be reallocated to the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project. The Phoenix Lake Integrated Regional Watershed Management (IRWM) Retrofit project would modify the reservoir to allow it to serve as a detention basin....

About This is a completed project. You are in the Archived Projects section of the website. Active projects can be found on the Projects webpage. Three projects evaluated creek improvements in Lower Corte Madera Creek from the downstream end of the concrete channel in Ross to the bay. They were: A hydraulic and geotechnical assessment of the...

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