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How we're adapting Adapting to sea level rise presents difficult challenges. We're addressing these challenges with cross-jurisdictional collaboration and a wide range of location-specific adaptation responses. Sea level rise challenges Floodwaters do not stop at jurisdictional boundaries Sea level rise is a shared issue. This means solutions require cooperation across cities, towns, and even counties....

Marin County Department of Public Works coordinates with all of East Marin's cities and towns to provide an ongoing public process that helps local communities understand and prepare for sea level rise. This multi-jurisdictional coordination is critical, as sea level rise crosses political boundaries to impact our shared resources, utilities, and infrastructure. Marin County works...

We are working with a taskforce to maintain a shared responsibility throughout the planning process​. The consultant also makes presentations to the Flood Zone 3 advisory board at key points​. Community and task force meetings are facilitated by a content neutral facilitator​. The taskforce consists of community stakeholders ​to steer the community planning process, such...

Please check back soon for details on upcoming meetings regarding the Marin City Stormwater Plan. Accessibility All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by email at at least four...

Description The Marin City Stormwater Plan is a drainage study aimed at reducing flood risk in Marin City, an unincorporated neighborhood near Richardson Bay. The plan will address existing flooding conditions and identify potential solutions that enhance flood resilience in Marin City while accounting for community priorities. The goal is to:  Identify flood and drainage issues...

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