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In Flood Control Zone 3, which covers portions of Mill Valley, Marin City, and Tamalpais Valley, preventative maintenance for all five pump stations takes place every year and includes the inspection, testing, and as needed replacement of electrical and mechanical components. All pump station back-up generators have been run-tested and the fuel checked and maintained...

In Flood Zone 4, which covers portions of Tiburon and Strawberry, preventive maintenance at all pump stations takes place every year and includes the inspection, testing, and as needed replacement of electrical and mechanical components.  Maintenance was completed in September, and all pump station back-up generators were run-tested, the fuel checked and maintained as needed....

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservations District would like to inform you that the design test for the proposed Santa Venetia Levee Upgrade Project was a success. Conducted during the first week of November, the design crew tested sheet pile installation near Pump Station #5. However, the District will not be presenting an...

  For more than a decade, online sea level rise viewers have helped people visualize what future sea level rise may look like. Many online viewers exist with different data sets and geographies, but it can be hard to find one that offers a hyper local look at potential future shoreline flooding in a user-friendly...

Background information The Marin Sea level Rise Viewer -- available at -- is a new, public facing interactive viewer that uses consistent countywide datasets to provide a hyper-local look at potential future shoreline flooding in Marin. This viewer allows users to zoom in and out and see curated datasets in relation to Marin County’s...

For Immediate Release - San Rafael, CA - Seasonal elevated levels could impact areas with history of localized flooding Seasonal high tides can cause flooding along shoreline communities and low-lying roads in Marin County. Tide-related flooding can happen whether it is raining or not, but flooding can increase significantly if the elevated tides occur during...

Field Geomorphology & Hydraulic Modeling East & West Creek Flood Zone 4 October 2022

For Immediate Release - San Rafael, CA - Despite drought conditions, County prepares for potential rainy season Along with many parts of the country, Marin County continues to endure one of the most extensive droughts on record. Despite the drought conditions, the possibility of an atmospheric river storm remains a reality and poses a flood...

These documents are draft for advisory board review: Leaves Frontside 2022 Leaves Backside 2022

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-10-20 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 6 Advisory Board Meeting: October 20, 2022Date and time: 2022-10-20 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 6 Advisory Board Meeting: October 20, 2022Date and time: 2022-10-20 06:30 pmLocation: Marin County Civic CenterDepartment: Zone 6 Advisory Board Meeting: October 20, 2022Date...

For Immediate Release - San Rafael, CA - New platform provides people of Marin with an improved online experience intended to evolve with the needs of our community In its commitment to deliver reliable and quality services and programs as a transparent, modern government organization,  the Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District has...

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-09-14 06:00 pmLocation: Zone 7 Advisory Board Meeting: September 14, 2022Department: Zone 7 Advisory Board Meeting: September 14, 2022Date and time: 2022-09-14 06:00 pmLocation: Zone 7 Advisory Board Meeting: September 14, 2022Department: Zone 7 Advisory Board Meeting: September 14, 2022Date and time: 2022-09-14 06:00 pmLocation: Zone 7 Advisory Board...

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