Will the homeowner be liable for damages caused by construction or failure of the levee?
The property owner would not be liable for construction or actions of the District related to the easement and its improvement constructed therein.
The property owner would not be liable for construction or actions of the District related to the easement and its improvement constructed therein.
The District will become liable for incidents that occur within its easement during and after construction of the project with certain exceptions where the property owner or third party were negligent or purposely caused the incident.
The District has no permanent right to perform maintenance so acquiring a permanent easement will make the District responsible for the permissions and uses granted by the Easement Deed and carry the associated liability.
The survey work is being done by a licensed surveyor. Matt Vander Dussen works for GHD. In 2019 Matt conducted a topographic survey of the project area using a combination of Drone LiDAR, photogrammetry, and traditional survey methods. One deliverable from this work was a digital shapefile of the levee/TRB centerline. In 2020 this work … Continued
This is not the method used to determine the spatial relationships, their locations were surveyed independently as described above, but having everything in digital format allows these areas and distances to be measured.
The survey was done according to best practice standards by licensed land surveyors.
It has been difficult to describe the temporary easements (TCE’s) in a generalized way because they will be negotiated and delineated based on the available space within backyards and side yards. This will be better understood after the appraisal meetings with homeowners in which potential work areas and impediment are identified. The District needs to … Continued
The TCE’s will not overlap the permanent easements, so it will be the latter.