Archives: FAQs

How is this current stormwater planning effort different than previous stormwater studies for Marin City?

The current Marin City Stormwater Plan, which is being initiated in Spring 2023, will build on prior studies, including:   2018 Wood Rogers Marin City Drainage Study  2018 Marin City People’s Plan Designing our Own Solutions Report  2022 Schaaf & Wheeler Donahue Bypass initial concepts   2023 Siegfried Marin County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Development Study   (Studies available … Continued

What are the initial anticipated results following completion of the Marin City Stormwater Plan?

The Marin City Stormwater Plan will result in a public stormwater infrastructure plan of potential projects that reflects direct input from Marin City residents and organizations in partnership with the various public agencies that have responsibilities in the watershed. This public stormwater infrastructure plan will recommend various flood risk reduction projects and drainage improvements for … Continued

Is there a faster way to fix the flooding issues in Marin City?

 The geography of the watershed, in which rainfall channels its way from the surrounding hills down through Marin City and out to Richardson Bay, creates complex challenges for developing flood risk reduction measures. The densely populated area was built upon wetlands before contemporary construction methods and stormwater runoff can overwhelm the neighborhood’s aging drainage system … Continued

How can I get involved?

Three community meetings will be held in Marin City as part of the Marin City Stormwater Plan process during 2023 and 2024. You are encouraged to attend and provide input during those meetings, no registration is required to attend as meetings will be listed from the project page and notifications prior to the meeting will … Continued

How can I get notified about upcoming community meetings for the Marin City Stormwater Plan?

There are two ways to stay informed about this project:  Sign up for email updates to receive notices of upcoming Flood Control Zone 3 related community meetings and events, which will include updates specific to the Marin City Stormwater Plan.  Visit the project webpage regularly for updates from past community meetings, updates following Task Force … Continued

Is the easement negotiation process with each separate property owner entirely confidential? Or is any part of that process public information that is available to other Santa Venetia residents and property owners? Once there is a signed agreement with a property owner does it have to be approved by the District Board of Supervisors? Do the details of the agreement become public information at that time?

The negotiation process with each property owner is on an individual basis and is confidential beginning with the appraisal all the way through contract negotiations. Once the contract is signed by a property owner, then staff would schedule it for approval by the District Board of Supervisors. At the time it is brought before the … Continued

My concern is that I am being asked to vote for a ballot measure that includes acquisition of easements without much knowledge of what to expect. While I can understand a need for confidentiality, I think there will be an issue of fairness under the scenario you outline. For example, if I were to convey an easement without compensation only to find out after the fact that my neighbor, with an identical situation, received some compensation, I’d probably feel slighted.

Every property where a permanent and/or temporary Flood Control easement is required will be treated the same. Each property will be appraised for the easement rights necessary for the project. Each property owner will receive an offer of just compensation for the easement rights. It is up to each property owner to decide if they … Continued

What is Flood Control Zone 1 – Novato?

Flood Control Zone 1 is a subarea of the countywide Flood Control & Water Conservation District. Flood Control Zones were created for specific areas of the county that experience frequent flooding. Flood Control Zone  1 was created by the Board of Supervisors of the Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District to improve flood … Continued

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