Staff of the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District conduct regular maintenance activities throughout the year in Flood Zone 3. Staff working for Flood Control Zone 3, which includes portions of Mill Valley, Marin City, and Tamalpais Valley, conduct preventative maintenance at all pump stations every year and their work includes the inspection,...
The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District conducts regular maintenance activities throughout the year in each of the diverse Flood Control Zones in Marin. The various forms of maintenance work, whether it is for flood mitigation infrastructure or targeted vegetation control, is a critical part a flood risk reduction for each respective community....
At its July 12 public session, the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors will consider awarding a $617,549 contract for engineering design services to develop a design for the Santa Venetia Levee Upgrade Project along Gallinas Creek. The project was put on pause in March 2022 following a cost estimate...
The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation (District) has been working since October 2020 to seek feedback on a comprehensive stormwater planning scope to identify flooding areas and recommend improvements. We have been working with a Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board Subcommittee to get feedback on a comprehensive stormwater planning scope that builds on...
On March 15, 2022 the Board approved the construction plans and authorized bidding to begin for the first portion of the Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project. This includes the new stormwater pump station and new vehicular maintenance access ramp in the Granton Park neighborhood. The plans and specifications are available to view through...
Flood Control District is pausing Santa Venetia project to evaluate cost increase The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District has canceled its March 15 District Board of Supervisors meeting at which the use of eminent domain would have been considered as part of upgrading the levee system along Gallinas Creek. Newly revised cost estimates for...
A new flood gauge has been installed under the street at Drake/Donahue intersection in Marin City. You can now view near real-time data for the area. There is a single threshold horizontal line of 59 inches shown on the graph. If the water goes over that threshold this means the storm drainage system is backed...
Thanks to newly identified funding, a crucial Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District project in the Santa Venetia neighborhood will soon move forward. The $6 million flood mitigation project will improve the levee system along Gallinas Creek, helping to protect the neighborhood from 100-year water surface elevation on the San Pablo Bay. The Flood...
The final phase of the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s Sunnyside Flood Detention Basin project is expected to begin in August 2021 with a goal of improving public safety for properties along Fairfax Creek and San Anselmo Creek in the upper Ross Valley. The Flood Control District Board of Supervisors will consider...
The summer work program includes trimming vegetation and removing debris from watershed creeks and tributaries. This time-lapse movie shows crews removing a huge, fallen tree in Novato Creek. When storm season rolls around, the water will be able to flow safely through the cleared channel. All pumps, motors, and pump stations will be inspected. Every...
At the July 27, 2021 Flood Control & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board adopted the 2021-22 Zone 9 Storm Drainage Fee Update Report. Resources July 27, 2021 meeting details 2021-22 Zone 9 Storm Drainage Fee Update Report
Development part of larger flood mitigation and public safety project near Fairfax The final phase of the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s Sunnyside Flood Detention Basin project is expected to begin in August with a goal of improving public safety for properties along Fairfax Creek and San Anselmo Creek in the upper Ross...
In response to public comments on the draft environmental impact report, including a Town of Ross survey and letter from the Town of Ross indicating strong local preference for Alternative 1, the District staff will recommend adoption of Alternative 1 instead of the proposed project. Alternative 1 will not include modifications to Frederick Allen Park....
Tax measure fails; County to try to preserve federal funding and provide further flood protection efforts. With the recent failure of a neighborhood tax measure to fund enhanced flood protection, flood control engineers are assessing next steps to help protect against catastrophic property losses in the unincorporated Santa Venetia area of eastern San Rafael. Measure...
The proposed baseline budget for Flood Zone 1 for fiscal year 2021-22 was reviewed by the advisory board at the February 4, 2021 advisory board meeting. The new fiscal year begins on July 1, 2021. Resources Proposed baseline budget Budget details
A baseline budget for fiscal year 2021-22 has been proposed for Flood Zone 1: Novato. The fiscal year 2021-22 begins on July 1, 2021. The advisory board reviewed the budget at the February 4, 2021 advisory board meeting. Resources Fiscal year 2021-22 proposed budget Budget line-item details
Final phase of stormwater basin moving forward despite bridge project issue The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is wrapping up plans for the final phase of the Sunnyside Stormwater Detention Basin and the project is expected to open for contractor bids this summer. The basin, located at 3000 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard...
The SF Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA) Governing Board approved funding for: Design Preparation of construction plans and specifications Permitting for the first phase Following a solicitation for proposals, competitive selection, and negotiation, the cost for the proposed scope exceeded available budget. We worked with SFBRA to modify scale back the design for the Deer Island...
The first part of the Sunnyside Detention Basin construction was completed ahead of schedule in mid-November. Work included demolition of all the existing buildings and structures, stripping and stockpiling gravel and topsoil to be re-used at the site, and excavation and off-haul of approximately 20,000 cubic yards of earth. The site was covered with mulch...
Flood operations and maintenance The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) staff is sharing this Flood Operations and Maintenance Update for Flood Zone 4 in Tiburon. While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our work force at the County generally due to Disaster Service work assignments, essential maintenance of Zone 4 facilities continues....