Zone 5 Statement of Proposed Action – Eastkoot Creek: July, 8, 2019

Jul 8 2019

Statement of Proposed Action has been prepared in place of a meeting.

Select the Agenda Packet tab to view the Statement of Proposed Action.

Statement of Proposed Action

According to the California Water Code, Section 68-6.2 Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) staff submits this Statement of Proposed Action to provide any Zone 5 Advisory Board (AB) member an opportunity to respond or provide written comment on the item outlined below within the next 30 days (expires on August 10, 2019).

Any individual AB member may contact the Flood Zone 5 Coordinator, Gerhard Epke at (415) 473-6562 to request an AB meeting in order to discuss any items related to the zone. To comply with Brown Act requirements, all meetings of a quorum of AB members to discuss Zone business must be publicly noticed.

Item 1. Decision Not to Excavate the Sediment Basin in Fall 2019

To reduce the risk of flooding, the reach of Easkoot Creek located on National Park Service property behind the Parkside Café has been designated as a sediment removal area for over five years. Sediment removal at this location reduces the need to excavate along the Calle bridges, where access is more challenging and sensitive aquatic habitat is perennial. This action is permitted to occur in September/October by the state and federal environmental regulatory agencies based on the Flood District’s 2014 design plan set.

On July 3, 2019 District staff surveyed the basin volume and determined that the current channel volume is equivalent to the permitted design. This graph depicts the channel cross section in the middle of the basin. See how several yards of sediment have filled in the upstream end of the basin, however it is not enough to warrant the expense of sediment removal this fall. The District will monitor conditions and be ready to apply for emergency permits and mobilize for wintertime sediment removal if the basin becomes full and a storm threatens to cause flooding.


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