Zone 1 Advisory Board Meeting: February 6, 2025
6:30 pm City of Novato Administrative Offices
Womack Conference Room, 922 Machin Avenue, Novato 94945
City of Novato Administration Building Womack Room
922 Machin Ave, Novato, CA 94945
FEBRUARY 6, 2025
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors encourages a respectful dialogue that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. Advisory Board members, staff, and the public are expected to be polite and courteous and refrain from questioning the character or motives of others. Please help create an atmosphere of respect by not booing, whistling, or clapping; by adhering to speaking time limits; and by silencing your cell phone.
The Agenda items listed below may be considered in a different order at the Board’s discretion. All items appearing on this agenda may be subject to Board action, whether expressly listed as an item or not.
Item 1. Review and Approve Order of Agenda
Item 2. Summary of Action Minutes (Action Item)
Recommended Action: Approve Summary of Action Minutes for October 26, 2023 and June 24, 2024.
Item 3. Open Time for Items Not on the Agenda
Item 4. Novato Creek Bypass Study (Information Item)
Item 5. Invasive Species Management (Action item)
Recommend Action: Recommend the District Board of Supervisors increase the Zone 1 services budget by an additional $200,000, to get ahead of the germination cycles for the invasive plant species we are required to keep below 20% coverage at the Sediment Removal project sites.
Item 6. Novato Baylands Strategy Plan Preparation (Information Item)
Item 7. Deer Island Basin Complex Wetland Restoration Design (Information Item)
Item 8. Novato Creek Sediment Removal Project (Action Item)
Recommended Action: Based on the most recent estimates from the design consultant, recommend the District Board of Supervisors adjust the budget by up to $3.4M to cover construction related services for the Novato Creek Sediment Removal. There is currently $10M in the Zone 1 fund, of which $4M was previously recommended by staff to set aside for this project and we still estimate that is an appropriate amount. The contract costs incurred or encumbered to date for this project total about $545k.
Item 9. Operations and Maintenance Update (Written Update Only)
Item 10. Updating Hydrology for Stafford Dam (Written Update Only)
Item 11. Rush Creek Watershed (Written Update Only)
Item 12. Schedule Next Meeting and Adjourn
A copy of the agenda can be faxed or emailed upon request by calling (415) 473-6528. Agendas and related material are also available online at
All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-6528 (Voice), CA Relay 711, or by email at at least two workdays in advance of the event. The County will do its best to fulfill requests received with less than two business days’ notice. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats upon request.
How to Provide Public Comment
Before the meeting: email comments to no later than 2pm on the day of the meeting including your name, meeting date, and item it is in reference to.
At the meeting: comments can be provided during each agenda item following these procedures and time limits.
- Flood District Staff report – typically less than 30 minutes
- Advisory Board questions to staff – no defined limit
- Public Testimony to Advisory Board – 3 minutes per speaker
If written public testimony is brought to the meeting, it is not necessary to read the entire text into the minutes, it will be attached to the minutes automatically.
- Deliberation by the Advisory Board – no defined limit
- Decision by Board – no defined limit