Crest Marin Pump Station Rehabilitation


The Crest Marin Pump Station is a stormwater pump station that discharges to Nyhan Creek and is located at 297 Flamingo Road in Mill Valley (near the intersections of Tennessee Valley Road/Flamingo Road and Marin Ave). The Crest Marin Pump Station was constructed in 1978 and is reaching the end of its expected useful life.

Given the increasing maintenance needs and costs at this station, a full pump station rehabilitation has been recommended by the civil engineering consultant (specializes in water resources) after conducting a condition assessment. The existing pump station equipment is in operable condition; however, most of the equipment is obsolete and nearing the end of its designed functionality. The lack of availability of spare parts creates a significant reliability issue for the pump station as it would impact the pump station operations for many months.

Construction phase impact

Community disruption due to the implementation of this project would be limited to just the immediate construction area. Details will be available once construction plans are completed.


  • Design and permitting - Winter 2024/25 to Winter 2026/27
  • Expected date of BOS Project consideration - Winter 2026/27
  •  Potential construction phase - Spring 2027 to Fall 2027


Total estimated project budget, including construction, is $4.6M, funded by the Zone 3 budget.


Zone 3: Richardson Bay


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